4 Daily Habits for Business Growth

We’re a month into the new year; how are your goals coming along? If you’re finding that you’ve lost some momentum and you’re feeling stuck, it could be that you need to modify some of your daily habits for better efficiency and results.

Here are four daily habits to help move your business forward.

1. Avoid Bright Shiny Objects

Are you continually being lured away from your goals and priorities by bright shiny objects (BSO)? What are BSOs you ask? They are courses, books, events, proposals, meetings, opportunities and requests that don’t align directly with your goals.

Today, we live in an overstimulated and time-strapped society that’s always working at a frantic pace. Due to this pace, and the fear of missing out, we tend to be easily swayed by BSOs which deplete our time and waste our money. Just think about how many books, courses, apps and other items that you’ve purchased but haven’t even touched.

To remove BSO syndrome from your life, vow not to purchase any new courses, programs, software, books or accept any offers unless they relate directly to your goals. When you do explore the idea of buying something or taking on a new opportunity — make sure it’s a well-researched decision that gives you a good return on investment and that aligns with your goals.

Another helpful tip is to unsubscribe from email subscriptions and Facebook Groups that don’t align with your overall vision, and learn to say NO more this year.

2. Get Rigid with Your Schedule

Everybody gets the same 24 hours, seven days a week, no more, no less. It’s how we choose to use our time that matters.

While to-do lists, digital calendars, and day planners are great tools for being more productive, unless you’re time blocking all of your tasks, you’re taking a stab in the dark at what you can actually accomplish during the day.

Block scheduling entails listing out all of your to-do items in blocked off time segments. Everything from working out and running errands to business and personal tasks goes on the schedule.

With block scheduling, you know exactly how much time you have to devote to your business and which new projects you can take on. If a task doesn’t fit into a time scheduled box, you will either have to say NO or drop something else to fit it in.

If you need help getting started, Laura Vanderkam has some free 15- and 30-minute time blocking downloads to get you started.

3. Don’t Make Decisions Based on Fear

Do you tend to make important decisions based on fear? It’s common for entrepreneurs fall into this trap of fear-based decision making. However, when you don’t face your fears, your mind holds on to extra stress and worry — which doesn’t serve you or your business well. In fact, it stunts your growth as a business owner.

Instead, make decisions that will empower you on your journey. Can it be it scary? Yes, but all too often we imagine things to be worse than they actually are.

If you need additional help in this area, check out this article and worksheet by Chiara Mazzucco:

•   How to Stop Making Decisions Out of Fear (+Worksheet)

4. Put Your Blinders on and Get to Work

Everybody has triggers that distract them from staying on task. For some people it’s email, for others, it’s social media, and for others, it’s everyday household distractions. The key to being more productive and achieving your goals is to determine what your triggers are and then find a way to eliminate them.

For instance, if your trigger is email, block schedule time each day to answer email, turn off email notifications, and shut down all email applications when it’s not a scheduled period for reading and responding emails.

If you need further assistance in this area, trying using an app like Self Control which keeps you from accessing distracting websites and mail servers for a set period.

Keeping the momentum going throughout the year doesn’t have to be a struggle. Try implementing some of these positive daily habits, and you can move your business forward.

SCORE: SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.

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