10 Ways To Say Thanks To Your Customers

With Thanksgiving this week, there’s no better time to make a gesture that shows your customers that you’re thankful for their business. When it comes right down to it, customers are the only reason you’re able to do what you do, and a little attention and gratitude can go a long way toward making your customers feel like your company cares. In order to help you get into the spirit of the season, here are some ways you can show your thanks to your customers:

1. Send out a free gift.
Everyone likes getting something for free, especially when it’s unexpected! Tie the gift into your business to make it even more memorable. Your gift doesn’t need to be a physical present either. Put together a report or information packet your customers would find valuable and send it to them as a thank you through email or on your website.

2. Send them a thank you note.
While a handwritten note is ideal, if you have a large customer base, it’s not very practical. With email, however, you can still send out a letter expressing your gratitude and keep the personal feel.

3. Offer a special “discount day” for your regular customers.
A special shopping day just for your regular customers featuring deep discounts is a perfect “thank you” gift. Turn it into a kind of “open house” with some snacks and drinks while they shop.

4. Post a public thank you on your website or social media.
Don’t underestimate the power of social media when doling out your thanks. Depending on your customer base a humorous or thoughtful sentiment can make someone’s day.

5. Give them updated information they’ll find useful, for free.
Information is powerful, and it’s often something you can sell quite easily. Offering useful information for free as a thank you to your customers is a sure way to brighten their day.

6. Refer your customers to one another whenever you can.
Nothing says appreciation like bringing someone more business, and this idea lets you kill two birds with one stone! One customer gets a new client, another gets great service, and both of them will be thanking you for it!

7. Give to charity in a customer’s name.
Instead of sending out gifts, take an opportunity to give back to the community and still recognize your customers. A charitable donation in a customer’s name will get their name out there while also helping others.

8. Host an annual party for your customers.
Throwing a party allows you to thank your supporters and also allows them to network with each other. It’s definitely a win for everyone.

9. Discount their next order without telling them.
A surprise discount is a great way to say thanks. Cut a bit off your best clients’ next bills and include a thank you note with their invoice. If you have an online store, add in a surprise discount code during the checkout process.

10. Take them out to lunch.
A business lunch is a normal activity, but a thank you lunch will be an unexpected surprise! Skip the sales pitches and focus on getting to know your client as a person.

What have you done to say thanks? Share your favorites in the comments section below.

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